Customers often ask Where to get 18.5kw 3 phase Frrquency Inverter . Before buying, you should first know what is a 3 phase inverter, how to choose a good 3 phase inverter.
To convert power from DC to AC at the specific frequency and voltage, it’s necessary to have an electrical device: inverter. There are various types of inverters for different application areas. Today we will talk about 3 phase inverter.
What is 3 phase frequency inverter?
A 3 phase inverter is to convert DC to 3 phase AC supply.used in high power, medium scale systems, such as IDC data exchange center machine room, billing centers, banks, traffic controls,etc. .
How to choose a good 3 phase frequency inverter?
1.Choose the pure sine wave output. higher efficiency, more pure and stable performance,lower loss, no interference sound, no buzzing noise.
2.Choose 100% imbalance loading design, to fulfil different loading needs. More flexible to adapt different types of loading.
A: Hi, my center machine room needs a 4.8KW three phase inverter.
B: We need a 18.5kw 3 phase inverter, for our network management system.
C: This is our new industrial control applications. It needs a 150kw 3 phase solar system.
If you’re looking for a 3 phase inverter, Xindun is your first choice.
Our 3 phase inverter, HDSX series:
- Super wide rated power range: 3.2KW - 160KW
- Pure sine wave output
-100% imbalance loading, 3 times peak power.
- 2 different transform grades available, more flexible to multiple user requirements.
- Different working modes for nearly all your usage requirement.
You are welcome to contact us at any time for more information.
You will have super long warranty for your products, professional technical guidance, one-on-one pres-sale & after-sale service, and more!
If you want to get more information about "Where to Get 18.5 kw 3 Phase Frequency Inverter" Please feel free to contact us.